Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Vuelvo Empezar

Vuelvo Empezar

Honestamente, puedo decir con un poco de orgullo y muchísimo bochorno que en el 2011 empecé un proyecto. Este proyecto único se llama: ¡Latinas Write Right!

¿El orgullo?  La razón de este proyecto único era para dar de conocer la habilidad de ser latina, educada, y tener la habilidad de escribir mis historias en inglés o español sin reservaciones. 

¿La vergüenza? ¡Pues que paso, abandone el proyecto sin ni siquiera poner una letra en español y apenas solamente dos escrituras en ingles!

¿Por qué? A veces ponemos escusas, no para complacer a la gente publica, pero para hacernos sentir mejor y no admitir que fallamos.  Mi fallo, no investí el tiempo y el trabajo para darle éxito a mis intenciones.

Hoy, pues acepto que falle.  Me pongo los pantalones y mis botas y empiezo otra vez. 

¡Vamos a ver, si esta nueva oportunidad cosecha una celebración de este bolígrafo con bonitas escrituras con historias personales para traerle voz a esta latina!

¡Veremos a ver!


Con mucha sinceridad,



 Luz Amelia Rivera

 31 de mayo del 2023


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Before You Were Born

Before You Were Born

Before you were born, it’s hard to believe
How your father and I managed to be
Without you beside us with your tender bright eyes
The moment you got here was quite a surprise
Your arrival quite dramatic event of the year
Our hearts full of joy, our soul full of fear
We knew right away we had made the right choice
The minute you screamed with your loud piercing voice
You filled up the room with a love like no other
We’re proud to be called your father and mother
The tears in our eyes could not be contained
You came, changed our lives, our emotion could not be sustained
Before you were born, our lives were black and white
Now that you’re here, everything seems so bright
We will always be here to take care of you
No matter what you say or grow up to do
Remember our love when you feel all alone
We will love you forever there’s no doubt in our bones
Before you were born, we lived to get by
But now, we cherish time don’t want it to fly
Goodnight little one, close your eyes, you are safe
In the loving arms of your parents, trust fate
With Love,
Luz A. Rivera
May 11, 2011
11 Mayo 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Death of a Mother

Death of a Mother

Luz A. Rivera

She lied there panting; I can see she was struggling to hold on to life, mustering the strength to speak.  Little did I know it would be the last time I heard my mother’s voice.  Those words would stay in my head forever like a broken record, etched into my brain like a permanent serial number.  I tried to ease her pain while hiding mine. But it wasn’t the pain that made her suffer
She was tormented, but it wasn’t until the end that I would fully understand.


Her eyes shot open, bulging wildly, trying to focus on the world around her.  Not much time was left.  She had to make arrangements, had to protect the ones she loved.  But how could anyone with only minutes maybe even just seconds?

Frantically, I called out for Papi!  What else could I do?  He came running, urgency in his steps and action, knelt next to her in the blink of an eye.  They starred into each other’s eyes.  It seemed like forever, an eternity.  Nothing was said.  They seemed to be making preparations.  The intensity in their eyes held a story no-one would hear, I knew it must have certainly been spoken with love.

Then I heard it again.  That voice!  It resounds with me to this very day.  “QUIDAME LOS” (watch over them).  She gave her final instruction, prepared her departure.  He said nothing looking deep into her eyes.  Could he tell how much life was left in those dark, piercing eyes?

He gave her a nod, didn’t take her request lightly for with it she placed all the love, hopes, and dreams that remained in her heart.  He had eased her burden.  The pain melted from her face the moment she knew he understood.  He didn’t trust his voice to betray him so he just caressed her face as he had done countless times before.  With his nod, he had eased her burden, set her spirit free.

As Mami lay there, life slipping from her heart, ours was breaking, ripping, burning.  She can leave this place now.  Somehow with the last bit of strength left in her body or maybe it was sheer willpower—instinct, she had laid out her final plan. Quidame los nin~os, care for my children.  Is this every mother’s final wish, their true heart’s desire? 

She died a few minutes later.  We could all tell her fear had dissipated as soon as her plans had been set as peace settled upon her face.  Was it pain that anguished her or was she tormented by the need to protect her family?  She’s not here to answer these questions but in our hearts we know. 

My mother was the roots of our very existence that bound us together.  She left this world on Valentine’s Day, carefully calculating her departure on a day we celebrate love and friendship.  She will always be honored as a celebration of love, a Mother’s Love.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Springtime en la Primavera

Springtime en la Primavera

Soft rain,
Falling gently to earth
Asking it permission to melt the final remnants of winter

                                    Neblina fina,
Cubriendo el aire que respiro
Llenando mis pulmones con esperanza de un nuevo comienzo

Gentle breezes,
Swaying branches to and fro
Caressing the sleeping giants with the familiar cycle of life

                                   El sol de la mañana,
Brillando con furia
Proclamando su tierra como el más fuerte león

Birds singing,
Announcing their arrival from a distant journey
Emerging victorious over the tentacles of heaven

                                   Semillas valientes,
Cosechando en la tierra su promesa de un maravilloso amanecer
                                                           Levantando el mundo con los colores del arco iris

Morning dew,
            Quenching the land with illusions of starting over
Painting blades of grass like its personal canvas

           Rios humildes,
                       Buscando abrigo para miles de ocupantes
                                   Navegando sus aguas con paciencia abundante

Budding daffodils,
            Meander towards the sky looking for reassurance
                        Capturing the purest colors of the afternoon sun

Springtime en la primavera,
Awakening the planet from deep hibernation
           Transformando nuestras vidas para empezar de nuevo

Luz A. Rivera
April 15, 2011
15 de abril de 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Embrace Diversity

Embrace diversity don’t fear it.
We’re more alike than we are different.
We have hopes and dreams, and are passionate about the things we love.
We are all limited by our human factor with strengths and weaknesses and at times we fear.
Promote multicultural awareness and INCLUSION.
Be proud of who you are, learn your heritage, and share it with others.
Find out is happening in your community, churches, and your children’s schools aimed towards learning about your and other cultures.
Find minority role models with good morals to be leaders you and your children can emulate.
Luz  Amelia Rivera
March 17, 2011